Personal Wellness and Alignment Coach
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to Awaken Your Best Version!

My Background
I started to walk the path home to my Highest Self early in this life journey, and I'm still walking! Beginning an active meditation practice as a very young human; I learned to harness the potency of my ability to inspire people and gravitated toward positions of leadership. Through my teenage years I lead a number of peer groups and achieving the rank of Eagle Scout with a Bronze Palm.
Through outdoor activities overlaid with a responsibility to community; I found a perfect place to bask in and celebrate the beauty and rhythms of the earth while personally connecting with others, offering insight and wisdom. All within the container of shared experience! These moments became a guiding light as I followed my path of guiding yoga classes, inspiring people, and building community.
I aspire to live as the embodiment of a compass which guides me to greater equanimity, compassion, and reverence. In this intention I hear the call to serve humanity directly through YOU!

How I can help
People Like YOU!
In the core of your being, you know when you show up as Your Best Version. It may express or look different any given day, but you know how it FEELS. The more we practice existing in this state, the more we will find grace and ease, even in the difficult moments.
There are countless techniques and practices that can re-connect you to Your Best Version, and it's my honour to offer the ones I am familiar with to people like YOU.
As YOU show up to your life as Your Best Version more consistently, you create a ripple in the field of potential that inspires others to do the same. From this place we all share the journey to a present moment more full of grace, justice, and equanimity for our global and local communities & families.
Your Best Version is here.
For YOU, Now!
A more wholesome and complete version of yourself is available wherever you are.
Don't wait to say hello to Your Best Version!
Contact me to find
a way home to Your Best Version of Self
Boulder County, CO